About Mediumship

What is a Medium?

Mediums have the ability to bridge the gap between those who are living and those who have passed over. Spirits/souls exist at a higher frequency than physical matter so Mediums must shift their consciousness to a frequency that is high enough to be able to perceive that subtle energy. A couple good examples of such frequencies are sound and heat, but unseen but very real. Mediums are sensitive and intuitive. They take in information, and understand where it’s coming from, using any combination of our senses (hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, knowing).

What does evidential mean?

Evidence is specific information about your loved one that confirms for you that the messages are indeed coming from your loved one. This can include unique aspects of their personality, appearance, life circumstances, shared memories, and so on. This evidence is designed to demonstrate to you exactly who I am connecting with. You should be able to identify them easily as more evidence is given. If several pieces of evidence are provided and you don’t know who it is, don’t worry, I can ask that spirit to move aside and allow someone else who you might know more about to come forward.

How do the senses work?

The six main senses (there are actually more) work a lot like how it works with people in the physical world. When you are in a room with someone you experience them with all of your senses and some senses will be more obvious than others. Vision is the easiest one (unless you are blind, of course). Some people have a scent you can smell and others might not. At the same time you might be sensitive to smell and smell everything while your friend doesn’t smell anything at all. That doesn’t mean that the aroma isn’t there, just that one of you can perceive it and one of you can not. It is the same with spirit. The only difference is that the Medium needs to be able to tune their consciousness to a higher frequency in order to perceive these senses in a much more sensitive way. 

These senses are called the “Clair’s”, which mean clear. For instance, Clairvoyance, which means clear seeing. Many people think that Mediums see spirits/souls the same way we see physical people. Sometimes we do but most of the time Clairvoyance is referring to seeing in the minds eye, much like day dreaming or imagining something in your mind. Clairsentience means clear feeling. This is experienced both as emotions and physical sensations. For instance, if a spirit experiences sadness about something the Medium will also experience sadness as if it is their own and sometimes may actually form tears in their eyes. If a spirit has experienced a heart attack the Medium may physically feel a tightness in their chest. The Medium has to discern whether those feelings belong to them and are a part of their own lives, or if it actually belongs to the spirit they are sensing. Sometimes these sensations and experiences can be very intense and sometimes they are faint and harder to pin point. It all depends on the spirit, or soul, they are communicating with.

No single clair (sense) is more important than another. Mediums will often use more than one clair at any time. They will also experience some clair’s being stronger than others, and at times the abilities will shift around. One week clairvoyance might be really strong while the following week nothing comes through that clair and instead Claircognizance (clear knowing) is in the forefront. It’s actually very interesting because it keeps the Medium always paying attention to all the different ways information from the spirit world can be received

What is the difference between a Medium and a Psychic?

Many people believe that a Medium and Psychic are the same thing. That is not the case. Mediums are able to raise the frequency of their consciousness in order to connect with and perceive the subtle energies of the non-physical world. There are scientific explanations for what occurs and I might go into that a bit on another page. A psychic, on the other hand, tunes in to the energy of the person sitting in front of them. While Mediums are also psychic they may choose not to work that way. It depends on the individual Medium.

Considering a reading with a Medium?

Since Mediums communicate with those who have transitioned into non-physical life, you should expect to hear from your friends and loved ones who have made the transition. Sometimes, if a person is nearing the end of their life and haven’t transitioned yet but have become unable to clearly communicate, it is possible for them to come through to a Medium. This can happen with people in a coma, with dementia, or other similar things that prevent a person from communicating through their body at the end of their life.

Every Medium operates differently. Be open to an intangible experience as well as receiving information that you may not have asked for. Expect some form of guidance, perspective, clarity, and authenticity, and please be patient.

Always come with an open mind and as few expectations as are possible. Spirit controls the reading and has their own idea of what they are going to say and convey to you. Be open and let the magic happen!