Prepare For A Reading

Bring a pen and paper to take notes! This is a must. There will be pieces of information you may not understand or may be confusing. You might need to check with other loved ones and friends as they may hold those memories. If you don’t write them down you may forgot and miss out on something really amazing. There is something called psychic amnesia which means that you can forget things you already know in the moment. The memory will likely return when you’ve leftYou may want to remember what came through during your sitting later on. Having a record of it will help you remember that your person is still with you. You also may be given events that haven’t happened yet, or little signs your loved one plans to send you in the coming week. When they happen later on, if you begin to question what your experiencing you can go back and see that it was from your loved one. So, don’t forget something to take notes on!

The first thing to understand about a session from a Medium is that nothing is guaranteed. You may be hoping to hear from a particular loved one, a lot of people do. However, Mediums actually can’t control who shows up for you a majority of the time, though they can certainly try. The best thing to do, if there is a particular person you want to focus on, is to hold that intention within yourself with as much love as you can while remaining open and curious for evidence of any of your loved ones. Sometimes, the one who comes through is the one you need even if it wasn’t the specific person you were hoping for. Do you best to trust that spirit has your back and won’t let you down.

Keep an open mind. If you are hyper focused on a particular loved one and the Medium is giving you evidence of someone else, you might not recognize the evidence until after the fact and miss out on a much deeper and meaningful connection with the one who showed up. Spirit is in control of the reading so hold your intentions but don’t forget the others who may also come through.

Remember that people can change. When someone transitions to the spirit world they don’t remain exactly the same as they were here in the physical world. Their growth continues and the knowledge they have now is much greater than was accessible in physical form. It’s possible that their feelings about particular situations may have changed, or things they thought were important in the physical world aren’t important to them now. One example is, perhaps the siblings are having trouble trying to split a parents belongs fairly and want their parent who has passed on to tell them whether or not they approve. Well, that parent not lives in the spiritual realm where possessions are a lot less important and those details may not matter to them anymore. Another possibility is that they are watching and because the siblings are still living their lives in this world the parent knows that it’s important for them to figure this out on their own and won’t interfere with the lessons that will be learned in the process of working things out, or not working them out. There are many reasons a loved one in spirit might not answer a particular question or desire. I won’t know the answer to that either. Be open to understanding what they share about new perspectives they have gained.

Know that you don’t have to accept communication from any spirit you don’t wish to hear from. Mediums won’t know if a particular person may be upsetting to you. If the medium starts providing evidence about someone you recognize and you don’t want to proceed, kindly interject and tell the medium that you don’t want to hear from that person. The medium doesn’t need to know why, they just need to respect it. Once you do that the Medium should ask that person to step back and request that another comes forward. However, if you are comfortable enough and curious, you might find healing in how that person comes through and what they wish to convey to you. I have experienced this many times now specifically with parents who were difficult while on earth and now have a new perspective.

Don’t give the Medium too much information during the session. The Medium will often ask you if you understand the information being presented. They do this because they want to make sure they’re on the right track, don’t want to waste your time, and hearing confirmation helps them to connect deeper. Your participation really matters! Mediums want to hear your voice. You are an active participate in the connection as they are connecting to YOUR loved ones and don’t wish to bring in other random people. When you respond you can state a simple “Yes”, “No”, “Maybe”, or “I don’t know.” You can also respond in the affirmative by restating the piece of evidence the Medium is confirming. DON’T start giving additional information about the story around that evidence. The Medium wants to get that additional information from your loved one as it further confirms for you that they are really there. If there is time afterward Mediums love to hear you validate the evidence and explain what it meant. We often don’t know why something is so significant, just that it is.

Don’t try and make the evidence fit when it really doesn’t. It is really OK if the Medium gets something that you really aren’t sure about. Don’t try to make something fit just because the medium says it does. Instead, just let the medium know that you’re not sure, or that’s not right. An ethical medium won’t be phased by this. Do write the information down in your notes just in case someone else knows or it makes sense later on. Those No’s and Maybe’s give us the chance to go back to your loved one and ask them to explain it differently or to move on to something else.

Remember that the Medium can only express what they understand. Information has to be filtered through the experiences, knowledge, and understanding of the Medium. That may be very different then yours and your loved ones. It’s very similar to English words having different meanings depending on the culture they’re being used in. For instance, chips in the US means thin crunchy baked snacks made out of corn or potatoes that you might dip in salsa or cheese. But in the UK chips are what people in the US call French Fries. A medium will do their very best to convey and express the evidence they are getting without analyzing it, but they are still human and can make mistakes that might not be understood. Think of an old radio. The medium has to tune to the right station (frequency) to connect to your loved one. Sometimes the connection is crystal clear, and sometimes, for unknown reasons, there’s a lot of static and white noise on the station making it very difficult to comprehend what’s coming through.

Whatever you do, ENJOY IT! This can be a wonderfully amazing and sacred experience. Soak it up, take it in, allow yourself to relax and go with the flow. And, HAVE FUN!