Group Experiences

Group Mediumship Experiences Are Awesome!

Prior to attending a group event please read the pages “About Mediumship” and “Preparing for a session” so you have a basic understanding of what happens during Mediumship sessions and have expectations that will help us both be successful.

This is a Group Mediumship Experience where you may be connected with your friends and loved ones in spirit.

Please register on this page and instructions to join the Zoom meeting will be emailed to you.

I can not guarantee that everyone will hear from a loved one due to time constraints and number of attendees.

The meeting will be locked five minutes after the start to prevent distractions. Doors will open 15min prior. Please arrive early so you can settle yourself and get into a good space.

Cameras must be on, and you must be visible, at minimum during the introduction to ensure everyone understands how the group will function. As well as to ensure that everyone in attendance is there for the right reason to ensure a sacred space. If there is a large crowd and you are hoping for a connection you are more likely to receive one if you leave your camera on. This is true for most Mediums. This doesn’t mean you can’t receive a connection if your camera is off, it just means that it is more likely to happen.

I’m looking forward to an amazing event and the privilege of bringing through your loved ones!

About Group Experiences:

Group experiences really are special. They allow more people to experience and witness the evidence and healing effects that working with Spirit can bring. Everyone attending the event contributes to the energy in the room which can create a beautiful experience for everyone, even if you don’t receive a connection with Spirit that day. 

Often times just sitting in the energy that is produced when connecting with Spirit can produce healing for everyone. Sometimes evidence will be given that multiple people can understand. It is my job to narrow down who, specifically, that spirit is coming to connect with. However, many times multiple people can understand and take the message even if I didn’t work directly with them. In that case you should most definitely take that message as well. Please do this quietly. Spirit does work collectively in this way. 

I have sat in many group experiences where I have watched other people connect with loved ones on the other side who are nearly identical to my own. When that happens, if the Medium hasn’t identified me as the specific sitter for that communication, and I understand the message having application for my life, I privately take that message and apply it for myself. Spirit intends for you to do this and it provides a positive impact for you even if you were not the specific sitter for that instance.


I am not a therapist or doctor. I do not diagnose or provide therapy. I also don’t choose to work psychically even though it is a natural part of being a medium. What that means for me is that I do not make predictions. This means that I won’t be trying to tell you what your future looks like in any kind of way. I am here to connect you with your loved ones in spirit and provide healing that only they can provide. Now, they may mention something that may sound like a prediction, however, the difference is that it will be coming from them and the information will be limited to what they give. I will not attempt to fill in any blanks.

It is best to wait at least three months after your loved one has passed before seeking a reading. This is because you need time to come to terms with your grief and anything in the peripheral. However, you know best when you are ready. One way to know if you are ready is whether you can talk conversationally about your loved one. This does not mean that you can’t cry. Crying is very healthy especially when talking about our loved ones.

Please make sure that you can keep the appointment time you schedule and can show up on time, if not a couple minutes early.

Your privacy is of utmost importance. I will never share any details of your reading that might identify you in any way. Should something truly amazing take place during your reading and I might like to share it, your consent will be sought and you may decline.

All Group Experiences are recorded via the Zoom app.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

In order to respect the time and preparation I put into each appointment, cancellations must be done with 24hrs advanced notice. Refunds will be given for appointments that were cancelled with 24hrs advanced notice. There will be no refunds for no shows or group events.

  • Join a Group Experience
    • $16.50
    • via Zoom
  • Private Group Events
    • If you would like to host a private group event for yourself and your friends please reach out via email using the form on the contact page.
    • Groups can be scheduled both in-person (dependent on location) and via Zoom.